The week of moving was a very busy one. Alex returned from the USA, and I met him in Melbourne for a couple of days, while we looked for a house to live in, and explored some possible areas to live it. We visited lots of houses, with our relocation consultant and visited several schools in the area. While we were busy doing all this, Grandma was busy looking after the kids. After several days of looking for houses we returned home, without finding a house and a school for Maddi to attend. It was kind of dissapointing, as I wanted to return home to the kids and tell them of their new house that we would move into, and for Maddi's sake find her a school that she would be excited about to move to.
The next couple of days we were busy preparing to move- Doing all the last minute jobs, before the removalists packed for us. Mum and Dad were such a great help in those last couple of days, as they took the boys out to their place for a couple of days, while we packed, cleaned and got Maddi off to school. It took half a day for the removalists to pack us, and then by the end of the day one container was filled and moved. Becky and Auntie Margaret were a great help to us, as they helped us clean the rooms that were empty. The next day was another day of cleaning, and another container was filled. Moppy came up for the day to help us and farewell us. Maddi had a great last day of school, and came home with a giant card signed by each of her class members. I was really sad for her, when she cuddled her two best school friends Zaali and Makenzie goodbye.

The evening before we left we met up at McDonalds with most of the family. The cousins had a little play together before we got on the boat, and that was the place where we all said goodbye.
The kids spent a bit of time in the play room on the boat, we sat in the lounge and it wasn't long after, little Alex said he was tired and laid down. It was a pleasant surprise! Around 9pm we went to bed and then Linc woke in the early morning, wide awake and was playing. He was never going to go back to sleep in the portacot, without waking everyone else up, and I didn't want Linc to roll off the top bunk with me, so I tailed on the end of Maddi's bed with Linc for the rest of the night. It was quite a rough night, but we were all fine as we took travel sickness tablets before we got on the boat. Around 6am we had arrived in Melbourne, and the kids were excited to look out our porthole and see the city. The trip seemed quite quick really.
Waiting to get off the boat
For the next two weeks we lived a hotel. It came apparent that you don't need a lot of things for the kids to be happy, but I discovered in our rush of packing that I had perhaps had underpacked, and Maddi was stuck wearing her school shoes for the next couple of weeks! But then, at least she had her school shoes, ready to start school. For the next two weeks we went to house appointments (well lack of them) as they tend to only have open homes on the weekends, and spent a lot of time at parks. The kids were getting sick of looking at houses and of course fell in love with the houses that had cubby houses and pools. The kids loved coming home to the hotel and finding that room service had cleaned their room, and had given them their own little soaps to use. We kept meals quite simple, as it was hard to cook in a small kitchen.
Cold Rock wasn't far from the hotel, and we enjoyed dessert at Cold Rock. Linc calls it "Cold Rocks!"
The kids instantly fell in love with this park and called it their favourite park ever. Coincindentally it is only a short walk from our new house. Maddi made many friends in her visits at the parks, and although she never complained that she wanted to be at school, I felt that time was dragging out, and she needed to be enrolled into school sooner rather than later, after having two weeks off school.
Feeding the ducks
One day we met Alex for lunch and afterwards headed to the local DFO, and watched the planes take off at the airport. Linc loves aeroplanes, but the novelty of seeing planes fly over our new house is wearing off I think. We are getting so used to the noise of jets flying over us, that we hardly notice it anymore. One day I was quite excited to point out a big Qantas Jumbo flying over our house, and Maddi said "Mum, it's just an A380." She was catching on quicker than I!

One evening we went on a school tour to a local school that was reasonably new. We were quite impressed with the school, and knew it was the right school for the kids. The next day we had a house to move into, and Maddi had a school. She has swimming once a week, at the school pool. She just loves her bubbly, young, enthusiastic teacher. She transitioned into school very easily and school is a short walk from home. We are missing the town clock in Ulverstone to let us know the time, and find ourselves very busy in the mornings getting ready for school.

One weekend Moppy and Poppy came to visit. It was great to see them, and spend some time with them. We met them in the city one Saturday and the boys had their first ever train ride. It was only to the next stop, but we appreciated the experience as we rested our feet and got out of the rain. We had two lovely meals with Moppy and Poppy. One night to a Greek Restraunt and the next night we went to a Korean bbq with Olan as well. I am regretting that I didn't take any photos!
On the Queens Birthday holiday, we went and visited, Perry, Loretta and Willow at their new home in Bendigo.We went up the top of this mine shaft and had a good look over the City. It was our first trip to Bendigo and the weather was just beautiful. Bendigo reminds me a lot of Launceston.

Life has been pretty busy since we have moved, and I can't believe how fast time is going. We have enjoyed catching up with old friends and cousins. Alex is enjoying his new job, which he started in March. It has been busy, and has taken him almost all over Australia thus far, and on two overseas trips. Little Alex has been accepted into the local kindergarten that we were hoping he would get into, and gets to start at the beginning of term 3. He is very excited to start, and I think it will be really good for him socially and developmentally. It will be great that he will be doing something that is independant, of his big sister and little brother. This will find just Linc and I at home, two days a week while he is at Kinder. It really will be good for all of us. More on that later! He has been a good help around the house, and insists on doing the vacuuming for me. He often asks me "What can I do to help?" Every mothers dream, to hear those words!

Linc now sleeps in a bed and shares a room with Alex. However he gets out of bed over and over- A repeat of the behaviour of his older brother. These two are developing a beautiful friendship with each other. They of course do the usual fighting that siblings do. Maddi has her own room, for the first time since she was a toddler. However the boys seem to want to spend more time in Maddi's room, than in their own! Even though Maddi tells Alex he is "banded from her room!" We are looking forward to having more family visitors, and friends over soon. Can't wait to see you!